Startup property reference
The following tables list the startup properties available for your Jive installation, grouped by the service they support.
For information on how to set these properties, see Startup property commands.
Main startup property name | Description | Default |
main.gc_log_file_size |
The maximum size of each java gc log file (MB) before rotation | 1024 |
main.java_bin |
Path to the java binary | {{main.java_home}}/bin/java |
main.java_home |
Directory where java is installed | {{main.jive_home}}/java |
main.jive_group |
Primary group for the user account that runs the Jive platform | jive |
main.jive_home |
Directory where Jive is installed | /usr/local/jive |
main.jive_user |
User account for running the Jive platform | {{main.jive_home}}/var/logs |
main.log_dir |
Directory for all log files | |
main.number_of_gc_log_files |
The number of java gc log file each service should retain before overwriting | 2 |
main.pidfile_dir |
Directory where all process ID files are stored | {{main.jive_home}}/var/run |
main.skip_setup |
Always skip setup warnings when starting services | False |
main.start_wait_seconds |
Number of seconds to wait after startup before verifying that the process is still running | 5 |
main.system_info_cmd |
Command for capturing overall system info when running 'jive snap'./usr/bin/top -n1 -b -H | |
main.tomcat_home |
Directory where tomcat is installed | {{main.jive_home}}/tomcat |
Cache startup property name | Description | Default |
cache.admin_max_threads |
60 |
cache.admin_port |
The port on which cache service is run | 6667 |
cache.custom_jvm_args |
Used for additional custom java arguments for cache | |
cache.enabled |
Always start cache when jive start is run
without arguments |
False |
cache.hostnames |
The short-form, unqualified hostname of the machine on which the
cache service is running. For configurations with multiple cache
nodes, this can be a comma-separated list of cache node
hostnames. In this case, the value for
cache.jmxremote_port |
JMX port for the cache service | 6650 |
cache.jvm_heap_max |
Java -Xmx value for cache, in MB. | 2048 |
cache.jvm_heap_min |
Java -Xms value for cache, in MB | 2048 |
cache.max_threads |
100 |
cache.priority |
Startup priority order for cache with respect to other jive services on this machine | 0 |
cache.snap_cmd |
Command for capturing performance information from cache when
running jive snap |
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jstack -l $PID &&
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jmap -histo $PID | /usr/bin/head -n 103
cache.socket_port |
The port on which cache service is run | 6666 |
cache.stdout |
File to send cache's STDOUT stream | {{main.log_dir}}/cache-service.out |
DocConverter startup property name | Description | Default |
docconverter.custom_jvm_args |
Any additional custom java arguments for DocConverter go here |
docconverter.enabled |
Always start DocConverter when jive start is run
without arguments |
False |
docconverter.http_addr |
IP for DocConverter to listen on | |
docconverter.http_monitor_addr |
Monitor IP for DocConverter | |
docconverter.http_monitor_port |
Monitor port for DocConverter | 19005 |
docconverter.http_port |
HTTP port for DocConverter | 19003 |
docconverter.imager_path |
Path to the imager utility | {{main.jive_home}}/bin/imager/bin/imager |
docconverter.jvm_heap_max |
Java -Xmx value for DocConverter, in MB |
256 |
docconverter.jvm_heap_min |
Java -Xms value for DocConverter, in MB |
256 |
docconverter.jvm_heap_perm (DEPRECATED) |
Java -XX:MaxPermSize value for DocConverter, in
MB |
64 |
docconverter.kill_one_oo_path |
Path to the script which allows DocConverter to stop its running instances of OpenOffice | {{docconverter.service_home}}/bin/ |
docconverter.openoffice_path |
Path to the OpenOffice binary | {{main.jive_home}}/opt/libreoffice4.1/program/soffice.bin |
docconverter.pdf2swf_path |
Path to the pdf2swf utility | {{main.jive_home}}/bin/pdf2swf |
docconverter.priority |
Startup priority order for DocConverter service with respect to other jive services on this machine | 0 |
docconverter.server_port |
Server port for DocConverter service | 19004 |
docconverter.service_home |
Base directory for the DocConverter | {{main.jive_services_home}}/docconverter |
docconverter.snap_cmd |
Command for capturing performance information from DocConverter
when running jive snap
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jstack -l $PID &&
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jmap -histo $PID | /usr/bin/head -n
103 |
docconverter.stdout |
File to send DocConverter's STDOUT stream | {{main.log_dir}}/docconverter.out |
docconverter.textextract_path |
Path to the textextract utility | {{docconverter.service_home}}/utils/bin/text_extract |
Activity engine startup property name | Description | Default |
eae.custom_classpath_additions |
Custom paths for eae's CLASSPATH environment variable can be included here (for example, Oracle database driver install paths). Colon-separated list | |
eae.custom_jvm_args |
Any additional custom java arguments for eae go here | |
eae.custom_ld_library_path_additions |
Custom paths for eae's LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable can be included here (for example, Oracle database driver install paths). Colon-separated list | |
eae.enabled |
Always start eae when jive start is run without
arguments |
False |
eae.jmx_port |
Port on which JMX is run | 8026 |
eae.jvm_heap_max |
Java -Xmx value for eae, in MB |
2048 |
eae.jvm_heap_min |
Java -Xms value for eae, in MB |
2048 |
eae.priority |
Startup priority order for eae with respect to other jive services on this machine | 0 |
eae.service_home |
Base directory for the Activity Engine service | {{main.jive_services_home}}/eae-service |
eae.snap_cmd |
Command for capturing performance information from eae when
running jive snap |
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jstack -l $PID &&
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jmap -histo $PID | /usr/bin/head -n 103
eae.stdout |
File to send eae's STDOUT stream | {{main.log_dir}}/eae-service.out |
Httpd startup property name | Description | Default |
httpd.apachectl_cmd |
The base command by which apachectl is invoked for httpd | {{main.jive_home}}/httpd/bin/apachectl |
httpd.apachectl_lock_file |
Path to httpd's apachectl lock file | {{main.pidfile_dir}}/jive-httpd-accept.lock |
httpd.apachectl_pid_file |
Path to httpd's apachectl pid file. | {{main.pidfile_dir}}/ |
httpd.conf |
Path to the main httpd config file | {{main.jive_home}}/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf |
httpd.enabled |
Always start httpd service when jive start is
run without arguments |
False |
httpd.lang |
Locale for httpd (HTTPD_LANG) | C |
httpd.port |
Port on which httpd listens for normal HTTP connections | 8080 |
httpd.priority |
Startup priority order for httpd with respect to other jive services on this machine | 2 |
httpd.procname |
The name under which a running httpd service appears in the process list | {{main.jive_home}}/httpd/bin/jive-httpd |
httpd.server_admin_email |
Admin email for httpd | |
httpd.ssl_certificate_file |
Path to SSL cert when httpd.ssl_enabled is set
to True |
httpd.ssl_certificate_key_file |
Path to SSL key when httpd.ssl_enabled is set to
True |
httpd.ssl_enabled |
Enable SSL for httpd | False |
httpd.ssl_port |
Port on which httpd accepts ssl-enabled connections when
httpd.ssl_enabled is set to
8443 |
httpd.stdout |
File to send httpd's STDOUT stream | {{main.log_dir}}/jive-httpd.out |
Ingress-replicator startup property name | Description | Default |
ingress-replicator.custom_jvm_args |
Any additional custom java arguments for ingress-replicator go here | |
ingress-replicator.debug_port |
Search debug port | 29001 |
ingress-replicator.enabled |
Always start ingress-replicator service when jive
start is run without arguments |
False |
ingress-replicator.jmx_port |
Search JMX port | 29002 |
ingress-replicator.jvm_heap_max |
Java -Xmx value for ingress-replicator, in
MB |
2048 |
ingress-replicator.jvm_heap_min |
Java -Xms value for ingress-replicator, in
MB |
2048 |
ingress-replicator.on_out_of_memory_error |
Command to run on out-of-memory error. | echo "Out of memory crash!" |
ingress-replicator.priority |
Startup priority order for ingress-replicator with respect to other jive services on this machine | 0 |
ingress-replicator.service_home |
Base directory for the ingress-replicator service | {{main.jive_home}}/services/ingress-replicator-service
ingress-replicator.snap_cmd |
Command for capturing performance information from
ingress-replicator when running jive snap |
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jstack -l $PID &&
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jmap -histo $PID | /usr/bin/head -n 103
ingress-replicator.stdout |
File to send ingress-replicator's STDOUT stream | {{main.log_dir}}/ingress-replicator/stdout.log |
Search startup property name | Description | Default |
search.custom_jvm_args |
Any additional custom java arguments for search go here | |
search.debug_port |
Search debug port | 27001 |
search.enabled |
Always start search service when jive start is
run without arguments |
False |
search.jmx_port |
Search JMX port | 27002 |
search.jvm_heap_max |
Java -Xmx value for search, in MB |
2048 |
search.jvm_heap_min |
Java -Xms value for search, in MB |
2048 |
search.on_out_of_memory_error |
Command to run on out-of-memory error | echo "Out of memory crash!" |
search.priority |
Startup priority order for search with respect to other jive services on this machine | 0 |
search.service_home |
Base directory for the search service | {{main.jive_home}}/services/search-service |
search.snap_cmd |
Command for capturing performance information from search when
running jive snap |
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jstack -l $PID &&
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jmap -histo $PID | /usr/bin/head -n
103 |
search.stdout |
File to send search's STDOUT stream | {{main.log_dir}}/search/stdout.log |
Webapp startup property name | Description | Default |
webapp.app_cluster_jvmroute |
A string that is added to the JSESSIONID cookie served by the webapp, to allow cookie-based load balancing | |
webapp.appname |
Webapp instance name | |
webapp.context |
URL context for the webapp. For example, if your site is ,
community is the context |
blank |
webapp.custom_classpath_additions |
Custom paths for webapp's CLASSPATH environment variable can be included here (for example, Oracle database driver install paths). Colon-separated list | |
webapp.custom_jvm_args |
Any additional custom java arguments for the webapp go here | |
webapp.custom_ld_library_path_additions |
Custom paths for webapp's LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable can be included here (for example, Oracle database driver install paths). Colon-separated list | |
webapp.enabled |
Always start webapp service when jive start is
run without arguments |
False |
webapp.http_addr |
IP for the webapp's main Tomcat connector. This is set to
localhost because the jive httpd service must
always serve as a proxy | |
webapp.http_maxthreads |
The maxThreads attribute for the webapp's main
Tomcat connector |
15 |
webapp.http_monitor_addr |
IP for the webapp's monitoring Tomcat connector | |
webapp.http_monitor_maxthreads |
The maxThreads attribute for the webapp's
monitoring Tomcat connector |
15 |
webapp.http_monitor_port |
Port for the webapp's monitoring Tomcat connector | 9002 |
webapp.http_monitor_proxy_name |
The webapp's monitoring Tomcat connector's
proxyName attribute |
webapp.http_monitor_proxy_port |
The webapp's monitoring Tomcat connector's
proxyPort attribute |
{{webapp.http_monitor_port}} |
webapp.http_monitor_proxy_scheme |
The webapp's monitoring Tomcat connector's scheme attribute | http |
webapp.http_port |
Port for the webapp's main Tomcat connector | 9001 |
webapp.http_proxy_name |
The webapp's main Tomcat connector's proxyName attribute. This is your external load balancer's address | |
webapp.http_proxy_port |
The webapp's main Tomcat connector's proxyPort attribute. This is your external load balancer's port. | {{httpd.port}} |
webapp.http_proxy_scheme |
The webapp's main Tomcat connector's scheme attribute, http or https. Choose based on the type of connection provided by your external load balancer | http |
webapp.jive_application |
Directory containing the webapp application files | {{webapp.jive_base}}/application |
webapp.jive_base |
Base directory for the web application | {{main.jive_home}}/applications/{{webapp.appname}} |
webapp.jive_instance_home |
Webapp home directory | {{webapp.jive_base}}/home |
webapp.jmx_enabled |
Enable JMX on the webapp | False |
webapp.jmx_port |
Port on which to run JMX, if webapp.jmx_enabled
is set to True . |
6651 |
webapp.jvm_heap_max |
Java -Xmx value for webapp, in MB |
2048 |
webapp.jvm_heap_min |
Java -Xms value for webapp, in MB |
2048 |
webapp.jvm_heap_perm (DEPRECATED) |
Java -XX:MaxPermSize value for webapp, in
MB |
512 |
webapp.log4j_conf |
The path to a minimal file used prior to initializing the application | {{webapp.jive_base}}/conf/ |
webapp.priority |
Startup priority for webapp with respect to other jive services on this machine | 1 |
webapp.server_port |
Webapp server port | 9000 |
webapp.snap_cmd |
Command for capturing performance information from webapp when
running jive snap |
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jstack -l $PID &&
{{main.java_home}}/bin/jmap -histo $PID | /usr/bin/head -n
103 |
webapp.stdout |
File to send webapp's STDOUT stream | {{main.log_dir}}/{{webapp.appname}}.out |
webapp.stop_cmd_jvm_heap_max |
Java -Xmx value for the webapp stop command, in
MB |
512 |
webapp.stop_cmd_jvm_heap_min |
Java -Xms value for the webapp stop command, in
MB |
512 |
Java -XX:MaxPermSize value for the webapp stop
command, in MB |
webapp.work_dir |
Temp file directory for webapp | {{main.jive_home}}/var/work/{{webapp.appname}} |