Configuring advanced incoming email monitoring

With the advanced incoming email monitor, you can set up the application to support posting most kinds of content via email. This includes posting replies to content as well as adding new content.

This feature overrides the incoming email monitoring feature. When you enable advanced incoming email monitoring, incoming email monitoring is unavailable. The advanced feature includes the functionality of the basic feature (although it works differently).

Fastpath: Admin Console: System > Settings > Email Server, then Advanced Incoming

How it works

When posting content via email, a person uses one of a number of email addresses that are specifically designed for posting a particular kind of content in a particular place, such as a space or social group.

Here's how it works.

  1. Using a browser, a person goes to the place (such as a space, social group, or their profile) to which they might want to post content.
  2. The person clicks the Create by email link to display a list of the content types in that place that they can post via email.
  3. After selecting check boxes for the content types they want, the person downloads vCards representing each of the content types. They can also email the vCards to themselves.
  4. In their email application, the person uses the vCards to add the email addresses to their email address book, where they're available when they want to post via email.
  5. To post content, the person creates an email with the content they want to post, then sends the email to the address they downloaded as a vCard.

Supported content types

Content types supported by this feature include the following (depending on what your license allows):

For replies For creating new content
Discussion replies Discussion threads
Document comments Documents
Blog post comments Blog posts
Direct messages Status message updates
Shares Announcements
  Project tasks (native Jive tasks)

Configuring network

With advanced email monitoring feature enabled, the application receives email directly, rather than checking for messages dropped in a particular mailbox. Because of this, configuring this feature requires setting up email routing so that Jive receives emails containing content.

Note that this might require your email server administrator to prepare the system.

You need to configure email servers and route requests on port 25 to the port on which the application is listening. Here are the details:

  1. Configure email servers so that messages with content are sent to the community. Here are two likely configurations:
    • You've deployed Jive to a server where the DNS A record of the server doesn't have a corresponding MX record.

      For example, your community is deployed to It's unlikely that an MX record exists for the DNS A record, so you most likely don't have to add or configure any DNS records. Mail transfer agents first attempt to look up an MX record for; if they don't find one, they use the "implicit" or "fallback" A record.

    • You've deployed Jive to a server where the DNS A record of the server does have a corresponding MX record, and so you've created a separate DNS A record specifically for this email functionality.

      For example, your community is deployed to DNS A record for probably already has a corresponding MX record that handles mail for the employees of To work around this, you need to create a separate DNS A record such as which points to the same IP address as the server that Jive is deployed on, then (optionally) create an MX record that points to the A record If you don't create an MX record, email transfer agents use the A record as a fallback.

  2. Open inbound connections to port 25 on the server where Jive is deployed, then use iptables to forward inbound requests on port 25 to the port you specify in the feature's configuration. By default, port 2500 is used.
    Ports 1024 and below are considered privileged ports on Unix systems. (You're forwarding requests to another port to avoid running the application as root to access the privileged port, which isn't recommended.) The following is a sample iptables command to forward requests on port 25 to port 2500:
    iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 2500

Configuring to receive email

After you've set up email routing to ensure that Jive can receive content email, you should configure the application to handle email sent to it.

Fastpath: Admin Console: System > Settings > Email Server, then Advanced Incoming

To enable and configure the advanced email monitoring feature:

  1. In the Admin Console, go to System > Settings > Email Server, then select the Advanced Incoming tab.
  2. Specify the parameters for the advanced email monitoring feature as follows:
    Setting Description
    Mail Server Host The host name, such as Destination email addresses take a form specific to the content type, such as This is typically the domain used to reach the community via a web browser.
    Mail Server Port The port on which the application should listen for incoming email.
    Valid IPs The IP addresses from which content email should be accepted. Use this setting to limit the locations — such as relay servers — from which content is allowed. Leave this blank to accept email from any server.
    Email address prefix The value prepended to the reply-to address in the message header. It isn't ordinarily seen by users. The default value is "jive".

    Ordinarily, it's a good idea to leave this one blank. You might want to enter your own value here if you have multiple community instances and want to use the prefix to disambiguate among emails sent to them. In that case, each instance would have a different prefix.

  3. Select the Enable Advanced Email Tools check box to enable the advanced email monitoring feature.
  4. Click Save Changes.