Post-installation tasks
Here you can find sample configurations and script examples common to long-term operation of a Jive installation.
Using commands to work with your managed instance
Jive includes several command-line tools you can use to perform maintenance tasks with your managed instance. With these tools, you can, for example, start and stop the application, upgrade the application, and collect information needed by Jive support. For the list of available commands, see Application management command reference.
Enabling SSL encryption
Enabling encryption of HTTP traffic requires several steps on a platform-managed host: you need to enable this for your required load balancer. For more information, see Configuring SSL on load balancer.
Setting up Document Conversion node
Some documents — including PDFs and those from Microsoft Office — are supported in a preview view in Jive. If you want to convert content from its native format into a form that can be previewed without altering the original document, you need the Document Conversion module, which you need to deploy on a server that is separate from your core Jive production instances.
If you have purchased the Document Conversion module, you need to set up this module as described in Setting up Document Conversion.
Configuring text extraction location
For content search, all binary content uploaded to Jive, such as .doc,
.ppt, .pdf, .txt, or .xls, goes through a process where Jive extracts the plain text
from the documents so it can be used in the search index. By default, the output for
this process is stored on the web app node in
(these are encrypted files). However, we strongly recommend you change this to an
NFS-mounted directory on a different node. In clustered environments, the NFS
directory must be shared by all web app nodes in the cluster.
To specify the new text extraction location, you need to set the
by typing the following as root:
jive set webapp.custom_jvm_args " -Djive.text.extract.dir=/path/to/new/location"
Use jive list set webapp.custom_jvm_args
to see if you have set this
value. If you have you can add to the existing value.
Configuring services directory for On-Premise Search
When you install On-Premise Search onto a multi-homed machine and you use the default
host value of
, On-Premise Search may not choose the
desired network interface. Therefore, if you are running On-Premise Search on a
multi-homed machine, you need to explicitly configure which network interface you
want to bind to by changing the host values in the
file. For more information, see Configuring Service Directory for On-Premise Search.
Setting up video with firewall
If you want to use the Video Upload feature and your community is behind a firewall, or you restrict end user network access, you could use IP whitelisting rules to allow network communication to Twistage, where we host videos. For more information, see Setting up your firewall for video.