Quick installation for Jive evaluation

Use this quick installation procedure to set up a small instance of Jive for evaluation and testing purposes only.

Note: The following steps assume you are installing Jive on a supported Linux operating system and you've never had Jive installed on the computer you're using for this evaluation. This procedure also assumes you are not running the Document Conversion feature or are tying any additional web application cluster or cache nodes to the environment. For the list of supported operating systems, see Supported operating systems.
  1. Review the System requirements.

    Although this is an evaluation of Jive, you still need to install it on a supported Linux operating system and make sure it can communicate with remote resources. If you use a proxy server, make sure it's configured correctly to access the required external resources. For more information, see Supported operating systems, Preparing to connect to Jive Hosted services, and Connecting through proxy server.

  2. Copy the Jive application RPM package to all nodes in the environment.
    Here's an example using the Linux scp command to copy the package from a computer named joesbox to a target system at targetsystem:
    scp -v joe@joesbox:/Users/joe/jive.rpm root@targetsystem:/root
  3. Install the Jive RPM package on all nodes by using a command such as rpm -Uhv jive.rpm.

    Note that your copy of the Jive RPM package (called jive.rpm in this example) will have a slightly different name.

  4. Configure Jive using the setup wizard by running jive setup on all of the nodes.

    Note that you must be the jive user to run jive setup. You may need to re-run jive setup until you get the setup ok message.

    Note: If you're logged in as root, you can use su - jive to become the jive user.
  5. Install and configure the Activity Engine Database, Core Databases, and the optional Analytics Database.

    For evaluation purposes, you can install the Activity Engine, Analytics, and Core databases together, but this is not supported in a production environment. The simplest way to set up a database on Linux is to perform a quick database setup for evaluation using a Postgres database, as described in Quick database setup for evaluations. If you are using a database whose driver is not included, ensure its driver is in the application's classpath.

  6. Start the services. Note that you must be the jive user to run these commands:
    jive enable eae
    jive enable search
    jive enable webapp
    jive enable httpd
    Note: If you're logged in as root, you can use su - jive to become the jive user.
  7. Re-run jive setup on all of the nodes.

    This causes the installer to detect any service-specific startup properties that need to be set. Run jive setup until you get the setup ok message.

  8. After you see the setup ok message, start the instance as follows:
    jive start
  9. From a web browser, open your new community and finish configuring it from the Admin Console Setup wizard.

    With a supported web browser, navigate to http://<hostname>:8080, where hostname is the DNS-resolvable name of the server where you installed the Jive application. For more information, see Configuring application with the Setup wizard.

  10. Integrate your Directory Server.

    If you plan to populate your community with users synchronized from your LDAP or Active Directory implementation, see Setting up LDAP and Active Directory.