Jive Cloud User Help
Trying Jive
Supported languages
What's new?
System requirements
Documentation PDFs
Getting started
Registering in community
Exploring community
Setting up your profile
Updating your status
Joining groups
Rating, liking, and marking content
Creating content
Alerts for people, places, and content items
Finding stuff you need
Pinning pages for quick access
Jive places: spaces, groups, and projects
Understanding pages in places
Inviting new community members
Using a Jive community
Using community from mobile browsers
Using News
Creating custom streams
Using Your View
Finding people, places, and content
Using social groups
Using content
Using projects and tasks
Public and private communications
Using Jive Apps
Using external groups
Reference and advanced topics
Advanced content management
Remote access
Advanced group management
Customizing News page
Place Templates for designing activity and custom pages for places
Using tiles
Designing Overview pages for places
Advanced project management
Using external file storage
Using email
Using feeds
Keyboard shortcuts
Time zone and locale preferences
Changing non-editable profile fields
Jive Cloud User Help
Jive is a social business software that integrates the most powerful capabilities of collaboration, community, and social networking software.
Getting started
Get acquainted with your community and learn the basics of communicating, collaborating, and innovating the Jive way.
Using a Jive community
Here you can find information about navigating and using your community.
Reference and advanced topics
Here you find techniques for advanced users and administrators.